When writer Geoff Johns introduced the concept of the “other” colored lanterns, that basically meant one thing for toy collectors like myself….MORE TOYS. Now while I couldn’t really afford to start collecting yet ANOTHER toyline, I figured putting together a little set of figures with each color being represented by one member wouldn’t hurt my wallet TOO much. So this exactly what I set out to do....
Next we have yellow. The fear powered corps composed of the ugliest most fear inducing creatures in the galaxy. Again, the obvious choice to represent the Sinestro Corps (as they are properly known) is the founder, Sinestro himself. But just for the sake of variety in size, I decided to get his second in command, Arkillo…he’s a beast of a figure and represents the aspect of fear quite nicely don’t you think? And eventually, Sinestro does pass on the corps to Arkillo so it’s all good.
I picked up Atrocitus, the leader of the Red Lantern Corps off eBay, from one of those Chinese sellers who’s stuff could *quite possibly* be stolen directly from the toy factories there. Who knows? All I know is that they’re usually sold for a cheaper price but don’t usually come with any accessories. In Atrocitus’ case, it didn’t really matter. The official retail version comes with a red lantern, but in a genius move by Mattel, they sculpted Atrocitus with two closed fists (I guess to show off how angry he was…) unfortunately, this meant he had no way of holding his lantern, so not having it didn’t really bother me much. To make up for it, I am debating on eventually getting his pet cat.
The Violet corps, properly known as the Star Sapphires also create violet light constructs, but their true unique power is the ability to create special crystals used to entrap their enemies and over time slowly reform them and ultimately convert them into Star Sapphires themselves.
Carol Ferris, Hal Jordan’s love interest is probably the best known Star Saphire. And she was also bought for cheap from a local eBay seller and like Atrocitus didn’t have any accessories, which was fine with me…those two “accessories” on her chest were good enough (sorry….couldn’t help it!). I kid…I kid :P
And then we have Blue Lantern Saint Walker and Orange Lantern Larfleeze…..these were the only 2 that I bought brand new versions of. They were part of the Mattel’s online DC toyline and it was the fact that they were being released that convinced me to start my rainbow corps in the first place.
Saint Walker and his Blue Lanterns represent the emotion of hope. On their own, blue lanterns aren’t really made for battle. They are a rather passive group and it is only when in the presence of a green lantern that their powers actually manifest. The blue ring has the ability to heal and even restore lost body parts. Plus in return they have the ability to supercharge any green lantern in their presence. And in case you were wondering what the reasoning was behind this sort of symbiotic relationship? You cannot have hope without any willpower….nice ☺
Unfortunately, Mattel has yet to make any Indigo tribe figure, so I had to settle for one from DC Direct, who make their own similar sized action figures, the trade-off being that they usually lack articulation. In any case however, I found a cheap figure of their leader, Indigo-1 again on eBay to stand in and represent her tribe in my disply until Mattel wisens up and makes their own version of Indigo-1.